(the) Mission Matters

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Holy Week

We have been focusing on the core value of ‘Holiness’ this month. So since the week leading up to Easter Sunday is known in the Christian world as ‘Holy Week’, I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the significance of this particular week with you and how it applies to the work we […]

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In the early days of the Salvation Army’s existence, there was an American born man named Samuel Logan Brengle, whose name has become almost as synonymous with The Salvation Army as William Booth’s. Brengle became a Christian during a revival meeting as a teen, and in his adulthood became a Methodist preacher. He was an

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image of blind justice

Prayer Day 5 of 7: Correctional and Justice Services

“I was in prison, and you came to visit me”. Jesus – Matthew. 25:36 The Salvation Army believes in restorative, not punitive, justice. Restorative justice offers an alternative to “an eye for an eye” so-called justice, which we believe is not just at all. Pierre Allard, possibly Canada’s leading voice on Christian restorative justice, is

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