Temporary Locations
Since December 2022, two hotel locations have served as temporary emergency shelters hosting 3 programs run by The Salvation Army - Toronto Housing & Homeless Supports. These sites are helping to address the high demand for shelter by providing much-needed extra accommodation.
66 Norfinch Drive provides accommodations and wrap-around supports to adults experiencing homelessness. The site was leased by The Salvation Army to support the relocation of shelter programs from 30 Norfinch Drive, which resumed hotel operations in 2023.
It is currently serving as the relocation site for Florence Booth House, whose permanent location is undergoing major renovations. With the ability to shelter 100 women, all of the Florence Booth House services and supports continue at this location until the building is finished.
It is also providing an extension of services from New Hope Leslieville hosting 94 men.
50 Estate Drive provides temporary accommodations and wrap-around supports to men experiencing homelessness as an extension of Maxwell Meighen Centre.
It currently houses 131 people, as well as provides a full range of support services.

66 Norfinch Drive
Toronto, ON M3N 1X1
(416) 603-9800

50 Estate Dr
Scarborough, ON M1H 2Z1
(416) 366-2733 ext. 257