
National Volunteer Week 2024

This week we have celebrated the many volunteers who bring unique support and programs to THHS. How fitting that our missional themes in April are Humility & Servanthood, two key characteristics our volunteers share! Thank you to all the volunteers across THHS, and for the many ways our staff volunteer in their own communities outside of work. Read […]

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Happy Birthday x2

Happy Birthday Florence Booth House and Gateway! Here’s a little write-up from the Director of Florence Booth House (FBH) and some pictures from over the years: FBH opened on February 14, 2000, at our original location at 723 Queen Street West. The location is one of the oldest Salvation Army buildings in the city and

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ttc in Toronto

Finding Hope in Disparity

On my way to work, I often pass a woman that has set up residence in between a few different bus shelters. What really struck me the last time I saw her, was the advertisement she was sitting under. A real-estate company was advertising their new app which lets you message the details of your dream

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Advent Image

Joy While Waiting

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice! – Philippians 4:4 I very much love the Advent wreath. There is so much symbolism to it; its circular shape is meant to represent God, the Creator and Preserver of all things. God’s love has no beginning and no end; it is eternal. There are

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image of lit advent candles

Christmas Day is Here

Merry Christmas everyone! Today is the big day that we’ve all been waiting for. All throughout the Advent season we’ve been longing for this day to come; the day we can finally celebrate the arrival of the baby Jesus. For those of you who have been following along with the Advent wreath, all four of the

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image of good work sticky note


Now that we are through the Thanksgiving holiday season, we can more easily focus on our other 2 missional themes of October; appreciation and celebration. In a recent email from our divisional Employee Relations (ER) Director Lisa Baker, she writes: “I would like to suggest that we take the month of October to celebrate and

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the words today I am thankful

God, Thank You

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. – Psalm 100: 4-5 The old Christian mystics felt that if all you could say is “God, thank-you” then you’ve said

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image of the words happy easter

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! Today is THE biggest day of the whole Christian year.  Today is the day we remember that the saviour of the entire world conquered the biggest enemy imaginable: death.  Today is the day we remember that Jesus was raised from the dead, came out of his tomb, and is still alive and

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