The summer seems to be flying by faster (and hotter) than ever. I don’t know about you, but I really feel like the missional themes for August, patience gentleness and grace, are exactly what I need to be reminded of right now!
I find it’s the little things that start to pile up which make me impatient. We are so used to the instant gratification culture we now live in. With fast-food, technology at our fingertips and immediate updates always around, things like slow computers, a detour on the way to work or waiting in line take serious patience!
The Bible says to ‘clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience‘ (Col. 3:12).
We’re reminded in many stories the importance and the reward of being patient. Abraham and Sarah waited patiently for God’s promise to come true (Gen 12:2,7). Paul reminds us to be patient with others (1 Thes 5:14). But that alone doesn’t make it much easier to be patient.
Patience comes from accepting God’s gift of grace through Jesus (Eph 2:8), from following his leading in our lives (James 5:7) and in knowing God has wonderful plans for us (Rom 8:28). Put another way – patience grows when you know who you are, what your purpose is, and why you’re doing what you’re doing.
When we have that foundation, the things that create bumps or potholes along our path aren’t big or deep enough to demolish our foundation and the forward trajectory we are on. We continue to build patience by cultivating acceptance with the present moment, realizing everything is always changing, and knowing that we are in this together.
As we press on through summer, let’s be mindful to act in patience, gentleness and grace with ourselves and others. Knowing that we aren’t in this alone, we strive to be ‘the Hand of God, in the Heart of the City.’
Patience, gentleness and grace.
Patience, gentleness and grace.
Patience, gentleness and grace.
Lord God,
Give me I pray,
With myself as well as with others,
Patience, gentleness and grace.
Patience, gentleness and grace.
– Dion Oxford