“Over and over I find that the only way out of the covers of chronic hopelessness is compassion” – KJ Ramsey
It’s not new to us that compassion is vital in our work, especially in today’s world. Yet, reading this quote stuck with me.
In October, our Missional Themes are gratitude, appreciation & celebration as Thanksgiving often reminds us to pause and embrace these values collectively. Yet, the timing of World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Day (both on October 10) alongside this season creates a powerful contrast.
That’s why this quote resonates so deeply.
Compassion, along with gratitude, appreciation and celebration has the potential to be a transforming influence. When we look at these, not just as emotions or gestures, but as tools, they have the capacity to inspire change in ourselves and others.
During a recent Missional Training, we reflected on the power of compassion — and unsurprisingly, it tied back to gratitude, appreciation, and celebration. Whether it’s celebrating the small wins on our client’s journey, showing appreciation for people’s strengths, or expressing thanks for our dedicated team, we are creating avenues for renewed hope.
Let’s keep sharing that hope as we strive to be “the hand of God, in the heart of the city.”
We thank you for the many ways in which you have blessed our lives–with love, hope, friends, our church, and so many other things that we cherish.
Help us be a blessing for others–that they may come to know you and rejoice in your love.
Give us hearts of courage and confidence to step out into the world in service, bringing hope where there is doubt, peace where there is strife, love where there is discord.
These things we pray in Jesus’ Name,
(adapted from here)