Shamrocks & Justice

Nowadays, St Patrick’s Day is green drinks, food, clothes and parties. But did you know St Patrick had a strong connection to many that we work with?

When he was 16 years old he was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Ireland. He was a victim of labour trafficking, forced to work without pay.

When he gained freedom, he felt it was a chance for him to be a bringer of justice and a reconciler in the very land he was oppressed.

St Patrick is like many who walk through our doors. He was oppressed, experienced trauma, and an immigrant. He also gives us much inspiration in our pursuit of justice and reconciliation, our missional focus for the month of March.

St Patrick knew God valued justice. He also realized that justice coupled with loving service has the power to enact great change and bring God’s heart for reconciliation to the world.

There is so much injustice around us and facing those we work with every day. It can be hard to figure out what to do, and how to be reconcilers in situations that are out of our control. It can be even harder when someone doesn’t want our help, or are not acting in their best self. But when we serve people with love and dignity, we can be bearers of justice and reconciliation in their lives.

This week as we go about our work continuing to be “The Hand of God, in the Heart of the City”, let’s strive to be like St Patrick, bringers of justice and reconciliation, even in the midst of adversity.

Grace & Peace,


Christ beside me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ within me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me.

– St Patrick

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