The Great Disruptor

When you look at the life of Jesus, many things can be said about him, including that he was a great disruptor.

He disrupted the religious norms.
He disrupted societal etiquette.
He disrupted perceptions and stereotypes.
He disrupted the status quo on every level.

He flipped the tables and changed how people thought about and approached each other. Literally.

On the same Palm Sunday as His triumphant entry into the city, He physically flips tables in the temple, not figuratively. Why?

He was upset that marginalized groups were being forgotten and oppressed.

The tables He flipped were decreasing access and taking advantage of marginalized communities from visiting and worshiping at the temple, something they had journeyed long to visit. This act of disruption, as well as most of Jesus’ actions, were with inclusion in mind.

This great disruptor was intent on radical inclusion.

We take this to heart in this month’s Missional Themes of Justice & Reconciliation. We work to see those often overlooked, and to find creative and attainable ways to support them in their journey.

As we follow in this example as disruptors, keep looking for justice and reconciliation for those experiencing homelessness as we strive to be “The Hand of God, in the Heart of the City.”

The Reverse Prayer of St. Francis

Dear Lord, make me a channel of disturbance.
Where there is apathy, let me provoke,
where there is compliance, let me bring questioning,
where there is silence, may I be a voice.
Where there is too much comfort
and too little action, grant disruption.
Where there are doors closed and hearts locked,
grant me the willingness to listen.
When laws dictate and pain is overlooked..
when tradition speaks louder than need…
grant that I may seek rather to do justice
than to talk about it.
Disturb us, O Lord,
to be with, as well as for the alienated;
to love the unlovable as well as the lovely,
Lord make me a channel of disturbance.

(adapted from here)

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